
Ladies Guild/Rosary-Altar Society: With the Blessed Mother as its model, this society helps to promote the spiritual, philanthropic, social and civil welfare of the parish. Meetings are held once a month on Wednesday evenings. After the recitation of the rosary, a spiritual or social program is offered. All women are encouraged to join. Dues are collected.  Contact: Anne Crocitto (631) 598-2037

Respect Life Committee: Meets the first Thursday evening of every month in the Outreach Office to discuss Pro-Life issues such as abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, medical morality, and the death penalty.  Contact: Anne Crocitto (631) 598-2037

Knights of Columbus/Columbiettes: The Knights of Columbus and Columbiettes form an international service organization which provides assistance to members of their families, the community and the Catholic Church with charitable donations to the Church, Catholic Schools and the needy. Contact: Patrick Woods, Grand Knight  516-238-0984/Contact: Linda Liszewski (Head Columbiette) 516-473-1307

Care of the Sick: Volunteers provide compassionate, personal and immediate attention to the human needs of the hospitalized and homebound through personal visits. They provide a listening ear, words of comfort, encouragement, and the Eucharist. The Pastoral Care Team meets four times a year for spirituality. Eucharistic Ministers preferred but not required. Training is provided. A Diocesan program, Compassionate Care I, is required for the hospital team.   Contact: Rectory Office, 631-264-0124

Ministry of Consolation: Parishioners provide support to bereaved families by assisting them in funeral preparations, by offering the condolences of the parish family through cake and sympathy card and by serving at the funeral Mass or service as greeters, lectors, Eucharistic Ministers and companions. Volunteers must be available for morning funeral Masses. Bakers must be available to deliver. Training is provided. Please call the Rectory at 631-264-0124 if you are interested.

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